What is the value proposition of Erik of London - House of Design?

Great Design - Limited Series - Affordable Prices - Sustainable Fashion


How many items are available for each design?

We are producing a maximum of 75 units for each item. These are strict guidelines, however we might apply discretion in the future as we start selling in other countries and want to maintain affordable prices. We will aim to communicate through our blog and newsletter on items with very limited quantities.


How do you select your designers?

We work with great artists and creatives producing great designs and who are committed with sustainability. Our motto is to empower creators to achieve monetization of the intellectual property rights in their works.


Why does Erik of London - House of Design exist?

Talented Artists are often lacking access to strategic guidance, infrastructure, marketing and sales support to register, exploit and monetize their Intellectual Property. They are often reduced to helplessly display their work on internet platforms with no return on investment and risk of plagiarism, to do freelance work or to do work not all related to their talents.

Additionally, many are being left behind by the digitization of the world and often lacks access to and understanding of digital markets. "Art does not pay" is a too well known sentence for a majority of creators.

Our mission is to facilitate a direct to consumer and direct to business model for art creators, with a vision to bridge the gap between physical and digital fashion.


What's to come?

Now, we are selling made to order items in limited series. There will always be Just enough for All, but not enough for Many. Our Modus Operandi is to release a new collection as soon as items are sold out, but not more often than every 3 months. Going forward, you can expect to find us at the intersection of Fashion, Activism and Technology as we uncover new opportunities for creators.


Any other questions, please reach out to us at info@erikoflondon.com